by Kris Katz
Brief spoiler-free entertainment reviews

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

You can tell a franchise has gone on long enough when you start to see the quality cycles in which it runs. James Bond fans will know what I'm talking about. Here is a series that began with a halfhearted nudge out of the gate, picked up speed by the third film, and was at a full-on gallop by the fifth. Someone must have hidden some Ritalin into everyone's morning coffee for this outing. Unlike the better entries, Year Six at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry feels lethargic and drowsy. It lacks the excitement and surprise and fascination with itself that made the third through the fifth movies so engaging and charming. This one feels detached, with acres of dead space between the characters and the events, sparse highlights of barely conveyed emotion, and moments of action that feel designed to distract the audience from nap time rather than contribute to the story. You could argue that maybe there's too much story to tell in this, yet the previous film did a fantastic job in the telling and the source for this is almost a third shorter. Whether or not the magic is gone, it seems to have skipped over this entry.

4 out of 10.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Hey there,

I love your reviews by the way, and I would have to agree with you regarding this latest harry potter Movie. Characters did indeed feel distant, and the "lethargic and drowsy" feeling was right on the nose. Although unlike you, I have not enjoyed any of the harry potter movies since the second one. Now, you may think that is strange, but I am basing my reviews mainly in comparison to the books(I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it), and the only HP movies to stay true to the books, were the first and second film. You may say that their is indeed too much story to tell(especially in the later books that are much longer than the first three), and while you are mainly right, there were still many key elements in the books, that they totally scraped in the movies. A huge example of this, was cutting Dobbie out of the 4th movie, which totally ruined it for me, as Dobbie was one of the main characters in the 4th book. Anyways, keep on rocking in the free world.