by Kris Katz
Brief spoiler-free entertainment reviews

Sunday, June 3, 2007

28 Weeks Later (2007)

Not as good as the first, but still pretty damn good. A few glaring gaps of logic, and the problem of focusing the story on 2 intrepid fugee British children keep it from being the mature, thinking man's zombie movie the first managed to somehow be. It still manages to maintain the same sense of visceral urgency and brutality, however. When the limbs start flying the film is at its strongest, giving its exceptionally well-realized post apocalyptic war zone a sense of plausibility and reality few other other movies bother to portray. If only the characters had managed to be as detailed as the settings and the carnage. I guess we'll just have to settle for being almost as good as its predecessor.

7 out of 10.

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