by Kris Katz
Brief spoiler-free entertainment reviews

Monday, April 26, 2010

In Bruges (2008)

Straddling the line between comedy and drama is not an easy thing to do. Just ask the producers of this film, who manage to make a pretty decent drama-thriller, yet in the same turn almost entirely fail to make it funny. It certainly tries to be funny, but this tale of a pair of hitmen laying low in a quiet European hamlet after a job just doesn't have enough humor going for it. But even so, it's still a compelling film, with enough quiet turns and character moments to pull it through to the end. The assassins are both likable and interesting, if a bit off-kilter, the setting is quaint and pleasant to look at, and the script itself remains remarkably consistent. So no, it's not the black comedy it wants to be, but everything else seems to be on solid footing.

7 out of 10.

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