by Kris Katz
Brief spoiler-free entertainment reviews

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hairspray (2007)

As good an idea as sticking John Travolta in a fat suit and drag may seem on paper, the result is quite horrifying. In fairness, remaking the musical based on the film by cinema's most creative pervert, John Waters, should also be horrifying—it pretty much was for The Producers. Fortunately, the result is anything but! Catchy music and some ridiculously inspired casting decisions that include Christopher Walken, Michelle Pfeiffer, Queen Latifah, and James Marsden raise what could've been an another unnecessary exercise in remakes into something rather delightful. Part of it has to do with the plot, which pairs an upbeat 1960s sunny day with a pitch black subtext of ingrained racism and sexism, and the odd jab at the plus-sized crowd. Also, there's newcomer Nikki Blonsky as our overweight heroine, whose perky enthusiasm is infectious bordering on toxic. Basically the film is a fun little number that pours a pound of sugar on a sour little core of serious issues (and Travolta in drag making out with Walken). If that doesn't scare you off, there's a good chance you'll enjoy it.

7 out of 10.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

don't worry about ruining the plot to THIS movie! I would rather have root canal work that sit thru a film with John Revolta in drag!
nice site you have - i'm a big film buff. keep up the good work!