by Kris Katz
Brief spoiler-free entertainment reviews

Monday, January 28, 2008

Kiss My Snake (2007)

guest review by Phineas Gopher

Before you jump to conclusions about its title, this is a documentary about cobra boxing in a small Thailand village featuring old men who make a living going head-to-head with some of the deadliest snakes on earth. The film examines their way of life, how they survive without antivenin when the inevitable bites occur, and how difficult it is to maintain interest in the art of snake boxing among the latest generation (kids these days! They can’t just stay home and put king cobras in their mouths like their father and his father. Have to go get all educated in the city). A fair amount of information is covered at a nice, brisk pace, but the film is never better than when it is showing the titillating ring-matches themselves. To misquote Jerry Maguire, “You had me at ‘Cobra Boxing.’”

8 out of 10.

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